Yomiwa is a modern offline japanese dictionary, including tons of features to help you read and learn japanese. yomiwa features powerful offline optical character recognition (ocr) technology, developed in-house and continuously improved over the past 6 years.. The asahi kanji app was designed as a tool to help people review or memorize japanese kanji. for those who are lucky enough to study in japan, the ocr function will be helpful. kanji are everywhere around us in the streets, trains, shops, on signboards and posters.... Japanese kanji ocr scanner ios app https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1315414397.
Free japanese ocr. i2ocr is a free online optical character recognition (ocr) that extracts japanese text from images so that it can be edited, formatted, indexed, searched, or translated.. Handwritten japanese kanji recognition and writing quiz. integrates with wwwjdic. new: training mode for quiz. use stroke guidelines and stroke order hints to practice writing kanji correctly. does not advance to next character until you get it right. kanji writing quiz. test yourself based on school year or jlpt level. check your answers against the proper stroke order using animated diagrams.. Kanjitomo is a program for identifying japanese characters from images: kanji lookup is done by pointing the mouse to any image on screen (either from a file, program or web page). dictionary lookup is done at the same time..